Pet Sitting

Canine Choices overnight pet sitting service provides your dog/s with the love and care in the comfort of their own home.
I bring my own camp bed and sleeping bag to spend the night looking after your pets, ensuring they have plenty of cuddles and company whilst you are away.
This overnight service includes a half-hour walk in the evening, another in the morning and also a lunchtime visit.
I also care for cats and other small animals in your household whilst I am there, I'll even water your plants!
Unlike other pet sitting services, there is NO extra charge for multi-pet households.
Whether its for one night or for your whole holiday, trust Canine Choices to exercise, love and care for your furry friends.
Contact us to book a meet and greet to discuss your requirements.
Overnight Pet Sitting from £55.00
Includes 30 min walk Am and Pm
and a lunchtime visit.
See Terms and conditions for further information.
Pet Sitting is only available in Non-smoking households only.

Pop -In
Pop -Ins are great if you need someone to pop in to feed your cats or small animals, clean litter trays, or let your dog out for a toilet break or a stroll around the block and provide them with 30 minutes of care and cuddles.
30 mins Pop -In £10.00

Locations for Pet Sitting and Pop -Ins